Monday, February 01, 2010

Potty Training is FUN!

Are you seriously taking a picture of me? I'm working on something here!

So we have started potty-training at home. Jack has been going on the big boy potty at daycare for a while now but would not sit on the big boy potty at home at all. So, after reading a good book about potty training just for boys we started the process in mid-January. After two weeks of talking about the potty and asking Jack is he wanted to sit on the potty, he finally said 'yes'! What an exciting night for us!! He knows how to lift the lid, pull out his 'special' seat and put it on the toilet. He still needs help with his pants but once he gets on the potty he knows to 'push his wee-wee down'. He even asked for a book to read while sitting on the potty. Sometimes he will sit up there for 5 minutes and just hang out without peeing. Other times we actually manage to go potty in the potty! We clap and celebrate and Jack will tell anyone who will listen about sitting on the big boy potty. He even told Uncle Spike on the phone that when you go potty you got to 'push your wee-wee down.' Hilarious!!!

We are no where near being potty-trained but are taking baby steps!

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